The Differences Between Septic and Sewer Systems
Have you ever wondered where your wastewater goes when it leaves your home? There are two core systems that handle water disposal, and your home could use either one, depending on its location and major pipeline accessibility. Following are the differences between septic and sewer systems and what this means for you as a homeowner.
Septic Systems
Home septic systems collect wastewater and help neutralize it before it makes its way into the local groundwater supply. This process happens entirely on-site using a large, underground tank and bacteria to eat away at the waste materials. The septic unit is what keeps this water in place while the bacteria does its work of separating and disposing of the materials that could pollute other water sources. Once there’s nothing left to remove, the water gets released back out into the ground and is eventually recycled.
Septic systems are common on private residences away from a large municipal infrastructure usually found in cities. As such, you’re more likely to have one if you live out in the suburbs or a rural area. Unfortunately, since septic tanks sit on private properties, it’s your responsibility to see that they’re maintained.
Sewer Systems
Sewer systems, on the other hand, transport your home’s wastewater elsewhere for the necessary treatment and processing. This is the primary difference between septic and sewer systems. So, instead of having a tank under your yard, you’ll often have a singular pipe that drains your home’s wastewater into a major sewer. From here, the water runs into a facility that’s responsible for performing the same job as the bacteria but on a larger scale.
Homes that use sewer systems are often in close proximity to one another. This means apartment complexes and city homes with smaller yards are more likely to have them. Cities take responsibility for repairing and inspecting these systems since they’re public property.
Should you experience issues with your home’s septic or sewer connections, reach out to Fletcher’s Plumbing to get a full work-up of the situation. Our sewer and septic services can handle anything from a busted pipe to large-scale wastewater backups. Better yet, our emergency line is always active and can get a trained repair professional to your home quickly. If you have questions about your plumbing, don’t hesitate to give us a call.