Kinetico Reverse Osmosis & Water Softener Filters
Our high-quality and longlasting filters are so advanced they remove nearly everything from your water that isn’t water.

Keep a replacement set of filters on hand so you never have to go without reverse osmosis water because you are unprepared for a filter change.
The Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station uses three standard filters – one to remove chlorine, another to remove contaminants such as metals and nitrates, and one more to eliminate additional compounds that could result in foul tastes and odors.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Carbon/Sediment Prefilter
The High Capacity Carbon/Sediment Prefilter cartridge is designed to reduce sediment and chlorine content during the prefiltration stage. It is most generally used for municipal water supplies or in cases where water is treated with chlorine.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Sediment Prefilter
The Sediment Prefileter cartridge is designed to reduce sediment content during the prefiltration stage. It is commonly used for well water supplies.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Taste & Odor Postfilter
The K5 Drinking Water Station’s postfilter reduces tastes, odors and aesthetic chlorine before water is consumed to ensure it tastes great.
K5 Drinking Water Station
High Capacity Carbon/Sediment Prefilter
The High Capacity Carbon/Sediment Prefilter cartridge is designed to reduce sediment and chlorine content during the prefiltration stage. It is most generally used for municipal water supplies or in cases where water is treated with chlorine.
K5 Drinking Water Station
K5 Reverse Osmosis Membrane
The reverse osmosis membrane is the heart of the K5 Drinking Water Station and its design is exclusive to Kinetico. It is not a FlexFilter and does not need to be replaced regularly like FlexFilters.
K5 Drinking Water Station
VOC Guard
Our VOC Guard significantly reduces volatile organic compounds like pesticides, paints, cleaning supplies and other chemicals that may be in your water.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Chlorimine Guard
The Chloramine Guard cartridge is designed to significantly reduce chloramine, a chemical compound made of free chlorine and ammonia. Chloramine is used to treat approximately 1/3 of US municipal water sources.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Mineral Plus
The Mineral Plus is an additive cartridge that lets you add beneficial minerals such as magnesium and calcium to your treated drinking water.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Purefecta® Guard
The Purefecta Guard cartridge generates biopure drinking water by significantly reducing 99.99999% of bacteria and 99.99% of viruses.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Aresenic Guard
The Arsenic Guard cartridge is specifically designed to reduce arsenic (AS III) in water.
K5 Drinking Water Station
Perchlorate Guard
The Perchlorate Guard cartridge significantly reduces perchlorate in water. Perchlorate is a byproduct of certain forms of manufacturing, but it can also occur naturally.

How to change your Kinetico drinking water filters
How to change your Kinetico water softener prefilter
Water Treatment
Kendra Proano
Google Reviews
Fletchers is great! They’ve helped me on numerous occasions. We bought a house that has a water softening system and a reserve osmosis system. They educated me on how the softening system works and whenever the reverses osmosis needs a new filter they’re here to help. They don’t make me wait around and they work efficiently.